Ifak contents pdf. Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT) 1 ea.
Ifak contents pdf. Station 3: IFAK and TEMS Protocols supplies 1.
Ifak contents pdf 4″ or 6″ Trauma Dressing (e. The unit medic lists the following as recommended contents: 1 ea. 1 - Tri-Pack Duffle Bag; 6 - M. de/degewa/ Alleestr. Mar 8, 2019 · MARCH IFAK Resupply Placement Stored in tourniquet holster . Sophie-Charlotte Meyer Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin Charlotta Knigge IFAK Institut The Individual First Aid Kit increases individual warfighter capabilities to provide Self-Aid/Buddy-Aid and provides interventions for two leading causes of death on the battlefield, severe Dec 9, 2013 · The IFAK II contains all the supplies of the old kit, with the addition of a second tourniquet, a tactical combat casualty card to annotate what kind of first aid was applied to a wounded Soldier Stop the Bleed® Kit Contents List Basic (1) Permanent marker (2) Pair of gloves, latex-free, LG (1) C-A-T® tourniquet (1) Emergency bandage (1) Pair of trauma shears, 7. Army photo) The Army is now issuing the more robust, more streamlined “Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) II” as replacement for the older kit which was built inside an ammunition pouch for a Squad Automatic Weapon. 2 the kit shall comprise 1-1 1. Od 2004 roku nowa apteczka stała się standardowym wyposażeniem żołnierza Marines, bez względu na jego funkcję w drużynie [2] . Sep 4, 2024 · An IFAK, or Individual First Aid Kit, is a compact and portable kit designed to provide immediate medical care in emergency situations. A medical kit includes: NOT TOO Much (so you don’t leave it behind) But way MORE than just band-aids… Jan 7, 2025 · Medical equipment MINI version, in the case of the Mini-IFAK, it is ideal for close protection of "VIP" dignitaries and undercover agents, it all depends on how much we want to carry and how much we want to hide the equipment that could be the last hope of the protected or mine myself. Keep someone alive long enough to get cell reception to call 911. The MARCH™ IFAK Refill is a cost-effective solution designed to supplement all expendable items in US Army standard issue IFAKs, excluding the tourniquet. However, a newer and much more-expensive USMC IFAK configuration is available (if requested), which replaces the 2ea H-bandages with 2ea CAT Tourniquets. Only opened the IFAK for quality inspection to ensure all contents were intact and in-date. de Robrecht, Monika Seniorenbüro Wattenscheid 02327-946113 monika. But long before the acronym “IFAK” came into use, the military was issuing small kits designed to treat or prevent various illnesses and minor injuries. Nov 5, 2023 · This multi-pocket IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) pouch is designed with practicality in mind, making it incredibly convenient for organizing and accessing all my first aid essentials. ” Let’s get things straight right off the bat: It’s NOT a standard first aid kit. 5in (2) Rolls of compressed gauze dressing *Kit is vacuum-packed and tamper-proofed* Intermediate (1) Permanent marker (2) Pair of gloves, latex-free, LG (1) C-A-T® tourniquet Befragung der Frankfurt UAS und dem IFAK zu Reiseverhalten der Deutschen . Feb 23, 2024 · The USMC IFAK Re-Supply Kit by North American Rescue is a convenient kit containing the essential items to resupply your USMC IFAK Kit. This kit is designed to be attached to a plate carrier or chest rig. (ifak) Adresse: Werner- Heisenberg-Straße 1, D-39106 Magdeburg Projektleiter: Dr. *It is highly recommended that you obtain quality medical training from credible sources prior to carrying an IFAK. Using the combat-proven practice of kit organization and standardization, the MARCH ™ IFAK Resupply is designed to be used under the most adverse conditions. Telefon: 0234 / 911 733 17 | E-Mail: DeGeWa@ifak-bochum. 00 TT1300 TAC IFAK / Active Shooter Pack, Tactical (Black, no vinyl) $50. Therefore it is important for CLS Marines to have a thorough understanding of the items in the IFAK to assist with casualty care. The contents of an IFAK may vary depending on the specific military branch or unit, but there are some common items found in most kits: Tourniquets; Hemostatic Jan 19, 2023 · Table of Contents Chapter 1. The Pre-Combat Inspection (PCI) Checklist is a comprehensive list designed to ensure that individuals and leaders within a military unit have properly inspected and prepared their equipment and themselves before engagement in combat operations. Newsletter Dezember 2021 WAS ZULETZT GESCHAH 2 Veröffentlichung von Online-Materialien 2 Unsere „Thesenbox“ zur Demokratieförderung ist fertig 3 Abschluss Schulung 1a 4 This article describes in detail the installation procedure of an Ifak-system isPro USBx12 Profibus USB Interface and the composition of the data-record for one BRONKHORST EL-FLOW device within the data historian is described in detail. V. 1. Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT) 1 ea. Standard Version Introducing the Standard IFAK Kit. Luckily today, the current Individual First Aid Kit/Improved First Aid Kit, or IFAK for short, is a far cry from the simple first-aid dressing and cravat of Datenschutzbeauftragter (IFAK) datenschutzbeauftragter@ifak. de Termine des Seniorenbüros Süd Donnerstag, 15. 3. O. Aug 13, 2024 · The Basics of a Military IFAK. IFAKs will be deployed and maintained in compliance with this Order. Verify all contents of IFAK present. Working through a single prioritized list has multiple benefits: Individual First Aid Kit, Personal light, Personal, Standard und EMS Version IFAK P Light IFAK P IFAK IFAK EMS 16x15x9 cm 20x14,5(20)x10 cm 21x15(21)x12 cm 23,5x17,5(23)x14,5 cm Inhalt IFAK P Light IFAK P IFAK IFAK EMS IFAK Tasche IFAK, IFAK P und IFAK EMS Individual First Aid Kit, Standard, personal und EMS Version IFAK P IFAK IFAK EMS 20x14,5(20)x10 cm 21x15(21)x12 cm 23,5x17,5(23)x14,5 cm Inhalt IFAK P IFAK IFAK EMS Tourniquet 38 x 890 mm 2x per Email an: degewa@ifak-bochum. Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Apr 8, 2020 · Conduct an inventory of items inside of your Individual First Aid Kit. com www. 3 vehicle first aid kit 1-2 1. Haftender Gesellschafter IFAK Verwaltung GmbH Sitz Taunusstein HRB Wiesbaden 16062 Geschäftsführer Jan 5, 2024 · It also has a tab that you can pull to release the entire contents from the pouch, in a situation where every second counts, this pouch design could literally save lives. The kit is compact, adjustable, and provides reliable support for life The contents of the kit should be chosen specifically for use by the non-medical law enforcement officers. • Weight: 14 oz. E. 22 HOURS: 5 (Show picture of an IFAK and contents) 2. kudella@diakonie-ruhr. Huestr. Complete with six IFAK tactical bags, components include tourniquets, chest seals, combat gauze and other hemostatic supplies. Survival Trauma Kit Pouches; A trauma kit needs a pouch, which can be as simple as the Loksak above for a small EDC kit. The contents are Much of the TCCC literature is available free on line as PDF downloads. Apr 1, 2020 · Of course, there are different kinds of either first aid or trauma kits and their contents may overlap. The Importance of Packing the Right Items Jun 13, 2012 · By Jeff Gurwitch June 13, 2012 For this article, I would like to cover one item that is a necessity in terms of what you need to be carrying on you (besides lots of ammo) if you plan on going into harm’s way, and that is a medical kit. The US Army has even updated its IFAK a couple of times, releasing the improved first aid kit (IFAK) in 2006 and the IFAK II in 2014. widerruflich den Mitgliedsbeitrag zu Lasten meines Kontos IBAN: bei der: mittels Lastschrift einzuziehen. ifak system GmbH Page 11: Technical Data H@rt BluePack PC Connection Technical Data Table 1: Hardware capabilities Hardware the H@rt BluePack Connectors 2 test clips, mini-USB Dimensions 85mm x 54mm x 26mm Weight 102 grams HART Modem a. 24 | 44793 Bochum Demokratisch. Outside your organization’s SOP, you can choose the IFAK that best fits your needs. 4 days ago · The Eagle IFAK is a compact, versatile individual first aid kit that offers both MOLLE/PALS – style connectors to attach to the assault vest/body armor and an upper or lower mounted 2. To plan an IFAK, which by definition will be a small “personal” bag, you have to decide which injuries you are planning on managing and which you are not. The Eagle IFAK is a compact, versatile individual first aid kit that offers both MOLLE/PALS style connectors to attach to the assault vest/body armor and an upper or lower mounted 2. 4 %öäüß 1 0 obj /Type /Catalog /Pages 2 0 R /MarkInfo /Type /MarkInfo /Marked true >> /StructTreeRoot 3 0 R >> endobj 4 0 obj /Creator (Canva) /Producer tätig. hat sich als einer der ersten Träger in Deutschland sowohl mit verschiedenen Beratungs- und Unterstützungsangeboten als auch mit innovativen Projekten gegen „gewalt - bereiten Salafismus“ breit aufgestellt und verfügt seit Jahren über eine umfangreiche Expertise in pocket or current IFAK pouch • Vacuum-sealed in a rugged, durable, easy-to-open clear package so that kit contents can be easily visualized Specifications: • H 7 in. A “Profibus USB Interface” is a device used to control several industrial measurement devices using the Profibus-protocol, which is a serial bus protocol IFAKs are individual first aid kits issued to active duty service members. Developed since the Sept. QUICK REFERENCES MOJO DO-1380 MARCY OUICK START GUIDE PERMANENT MARKER GLOVES COMBAT MEDICALTM . Here’s what the most basic IFAKs should include: Burn dressing; Combat (hemostatic) gauze; Gloves; Ibuprofen; Israeli dressings; Pen light Mar 15, 2017 · a. It includes items such as a tactical tourniquet, trauma bandages, and a vented chest seal, all aimed at addressing critical injuries. S. Each park/team may alter IFAK items, with LEMA/EMS Coordinator/WASO approval. Other more advanced interventions like IV access for shock require too much gear for an IFAK. Basis sind dabei die „10 Gebote der Digi-talen Ethik“, die am Institut für Digitale Ethik an رϮفϠا ϱϡع بϡطϠا اذϭϠ لاثتمϼاب ifak ϢزتϡتϮ Ϛتاناϴب فذح ifak نم بϡطت نأ Ϛنكمϴ :فذحϠا ϳف قحϠا 2 ةحاتإ ϚϠذ دعب ifak ϱϡع بجϴ Ϛنع ifak اϭكϡتمϴ ϳتϠا ةϴصخشϠا تاناϴبϠا نع ifak لاؤس ϳف قحϠا ϚϴدϠ :ϢϽعتسϼا ϳف قحϠا 3 ا Performance Steps: IFAK Content Verification: 1. 50 m long, (H-Bandage) Wound dressings 10x10, 1 pack Burn dressing, 40x 60 cm Pocket CPR-Mask Pre-lubricated nasal airway, 7mm Oropharyngeal airway, adult ARS needle, decompression kit, 12 CH High quality chest seal Additionally, the InterAgency Board recommends that an individual first aid kit, commonly referred to as an IFAK or ‘ blow out ’ kit, be issued to each officer trained in initial TECC medical care of the wounded. : Code: 3a/Webinar III) teilnehmen wollen. Our IFAK plan is for managing immediately life-threatening injuries that can be handled with minimal equipment during an ongoing dangerous Delivery Contents The interface the H@rt BluePack is delivered with user manual and driver software on CD. information. g. It should contain accessible, life saving tools Jan 27, 2025 · A Complete Guide Finding, Buying, Building & Using An IFAK Kit. Da es Ein- und Austrittswunden gibt sollte pro IFAK ein Set von zwei Chest Seals verwendet werden. Regular first aid kits were pretty bulky and packed with stuff that wouldn’t help in life-threatening situations. robrecht@caritas-bochum. Frankfurt am Main, 23. Discuss further cases utilizing the TEMS protocols. GLOVES p PERMANENT MARKER MOJO DD-1380 QUICK REFERENCES ACTICAL MECHANICAL; OURNIQUE O URNIQUET . knowledge Community – folgt uns auf Instagram und meldet euch für unseren Newsletter an. It also adds Quikclot Combat Gauze. For help deciding which setup is best for you, read our Chest Rig vs Plate Carrier article. Sized as Jan 28, 2025 · It’s an acronym for ” Individual First Aid Kit” or ” Improved First Aid Kit. Hope its helpful if you're looking for an IFAK list. ). Feb 16, 2022 · You've probably heard about the infamous IFAK. Nov 1, 2024 · The IFAK training is a specialized UNDSS first-aid course that provides participants with skills and knowledge in basic medical care of traumatic injuries in the field, through a combination of theoretical lessons, hands-on skills stations and practical simulations. Die IFAK e. Copy of current NPS TEMS Protocols and Procedures 2. chapter 1: first aid kits 1-1 . of either: 4″ x 4. TheMojo ® IFAK is made of 1000D Cordura ® and available with three different content configurations, as well as four color options. Avec Claude, nous avons créé cette liste pour que tu aies directement accès à du matériel de qualité. Newsletter August 2021 WAS ZULETZT GESCHAH 2 Ausschreibung Schulung 2a 2 Ergänzung: Umgang mit antidemokratisch eingestellten Eltern 3 DeGeWa-Beirat 4 AKTUELLE THEMEN 4 Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e. An IFAK (individual first aid kit) is a critical component of your gear, whether you're a police officer, first responder or simply an active outdoorsman. 34 44787 Bochum Ansprechpartnerinnen Aynur Filiz Eva Baumann Psych-Soz. 25” belt loop attachment to secure the kit in the high or low position on your duty/pistol belt, all in one carrying platform. Mass Casualty Trauma Kit Generation 2 Contents. The concept for the Roll 1™ Trauma Pouch is credited to the good people at Forward Observations Group, who originally designed and fabricated the prototype pouch for fellow SOF in Syria. Typical first aid kits are made for bumps, bruises, and cuts. com Matthias Thielen Datenschutzbeauftragter (BAuA) bds@baua. Author: Michael Hamilton Published Date: April 22, 2019 Leave a Comment on EDC IFAK Talking about every day first aid carry, attached are pictures of the items we recommend every time you leave the house. The LEO IFAK should include, at a What is an IFAK? Today, IFAK is usually understood to mean “Individual First Aid Kit”, or “Improved First Aid Kit”. Dort halten wir euch regelmäßig mit den neuesten Infos und gratis Downloads auf dem Laufenden. OrtDatum Unterschrift in Höhe von 50 € (jährlicher Mindestbeitrag) Packliste IFAK Erste-Hilfe-Tasche mit Schnellzugriff-System: z. B: htps://www. Für jüngere Menschen spielt umweltbewusstes Reisen in der Reiseplanung und -organisation nur eine untergeordnete Rolle. Sep 1, 2023 · Assemblage Management Module for TEWLS. Because those with the best medical gear (and know how to use it) keep their heads in an emergency. Performance Step: NPS TEMS Protocols: 1. The quick release pull tab allows for an operator to access the IFAK under any condition. DaF/DaZ-Dozentin Tel. It’s NOT a kit for carrying baby wipes, aspirins, and chapstick. Telefon: 0163 56 56 516 | E-Mail: DeGeWa@ifak-bochum. with information on a good IFAK. TBS-MED-1002b Given an Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK), organize the IFAK based on causality care to provide rapid care to casualties. Oct 23, 2018 · Le kit individuel de premiers secours, aussi appelé kit de soins d’urgence, individual first aid kit (IFAK) en anglais ou trousse individuelle du combattant (TIC) pour les soldats français. See IFAK Recommended Equipment List: General 0010-T (NPS TEMS Protocols). 5” x 4. Designed specially for Law Enforcement Professionals, this IFak ultra access pak is now a must-have when you’re the first - or only - on scene. Elterncoach für gelebte Demokratie Fortbildung für Akteur*innen im frühkindlichen Bereich Picture: USMC IFAK. Condition listed is used, however, none of the items within the IFAK have been opened or used. Mar 24, 2022 · An IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) is the personal medical kit issued to each of Americas warriors. Abschieds-Newsletter Oktober 2022 ZUM ENDE DES PROJEKTS 2 ZU ABSCHLUSS: ZWEI NEUE ÜBUNGEN 3 Elternabend zu Erziehungsstilen 3 Online-Übung Demokratiefähigkeiten 3 %PDF-1. Contents of Improved First Aid Kit 1! " Revised 4/25/15 Each Militia Member is encouraged to secure for their own use a first aid kit, which will be carried with them as part of their go-bag. tourniquet out of wrapper, etc. This set provides the ability to maintain […] It can be worn in a drop leg configuration, and with the removable leg strap it can also attach directly to MOLLE vest/harness, or to a 2” duty/gun belt. KG Markt- und Sozialforschung Georg-Ohm-Straße 1 65232 Taunusstein Germany T +49 6128 747 0 F +49 6128 747 995 info@ifak. Pro Version. Erst ab dem mittleren bis älteren Lebensabschnitt kommen auch Umweltaspekte zum Tragen. hdm Projektziele und medienpädagogischer Hintergrund Das Projekt „Tabletklassen“ am Gymnasium Harsewinkel wird von einem pädagogischen Rahmen gestützt, der den Umgang für alle beteiligten Akteur*innen transparent festhalten soll. Sein Institut „IfaK“ wird vorerst von mir und seiner Frau, Ulrike Bischof, weitergeführt. ifak. It should be placed for easy access in an emergency and so where you store it is also important. The medical equipment and supplies in the kit do not need to meet military TCCC recommendations, but at a minimum must have evidenced-based proven efficacy when used at or near the point of wounding. For kits intended for overt carry, a suitable bag is needed. So, let’s walk through what IFAK contents you should consider to make sure you’re prepared when and if you need it. Die BAuA und IFAK müssen Ihnen diese Daten auf Wunsch zur Einsicht zur Verfügung stellen. 00 - 12. de Projektkoordination: Sarah Kudella Seniorenbüro Mitte 0151-57680723 sarah. Träger des Projekts ist die IFAK e. The contents vary a bit based on training %PDF-1. 25" belt loop attachment to secure the kit in the high or low position on your duty/pistol belt, all in one carrying platform. Designed specially for Law Enforcement Professionals, this IFak ultra access pack is now a must-have when you’re the first - or only - on scene. Manag. 1 yds. The individual first aid kit is carried on your body and designed to treat the emergency needs of one person - or individual. Understanding the purpose and significance of an IFAK kit is crucia Dec 17, 2024 · Once you open the contents of the ifak, make sure you have safety glasses on, and duck, as it explosively expands! If you take the Marine issue ifak, add 30% more space for putting the once opened contents back, and adding personal picks like hemostatic gause, and CATS, and bandaids, antiseptic spray, and ibuprofen/alieve. The content is created to support Special Operations Discover a Collection of ifak contents pdf at Temu. mit dem Institut DINX gGmbH. Anschließend wird das Institut Kontakt mit Ihnen aufnehmen. Wachsen. Ganz nach Ihren Wünschen beraten wir Sie telefonisch oder in face-to-face-Gesprächen. Pci Checklist – Fill Out and Use This PDF. The Army’s IFAK Carrier Office of Responsibility is responsible for the development and design of the IFAK carrier. SIRKTM - GEN 2 Supplemental IFAK Resupply Kit SIRK - GEN 2 OPTION ITEM # NSN # Standard 85-1738 ----w/ ARS Needle 85-1899 Der Beratungsprozess gestaltet sich je nach Anliegen der Ratsuchenden unterschiedlich. Free shipping on all orders LE KIT IFAK : LA LISTE COMPLÈTE DE TON MATÉRIEL DE PREMIERS SECOURS Un IFAK, c’est un kit de secours très complet qui va te permettre de gérer aussi bien les blessures légères du quotidien que de stabiliser les cas les plus graves. Mini IFAK Contents (Contenido Mini IFAK): When I look for an IFAK I’m pretty much just looking for stuff to 1. The contents of this kit provide the needed equipment to allow an individual to replenish their kit with SUBJECT: FirstAid-IndividualFirstAidKit(IFAK) AGENCYDESIGNATION: 8. Personal IFAK Linka, Daniela Seniorenbüro Süd 0173/ 4378462 linka@ifak-bochum. Tactical Combat Casualty Care Medical Equipment 53 a. 15 DSGVO): Sie haben das Recht, bei der BAuA und bei IFAK zu erfragen, über welche personenbezogenen Daten von Ihnen die BAuA und IFAK verfügen. 1. The checklist is intended as a starting point that can be customized according to one's needs to have essential equipment on LE KIT IFAK : LA LISTE COMPLÈTE DE TON MATÉRIEL DE PREMIERS SECOURS Un IFAK, c’est un kit de secours très complet qui va te permettre de gérer aussi bien les blessures légères du quotidien que de stabiliser les cas les plus graves. Die Expertinnengruppe des DBV war in letzter Zeit schwer gefordert, einmal durch den Bibliothekstag in Düsseldorf, an dem wir einen ganzen Tag mit Vorträgen und Workshop Context: DayZ Standalone (Xbox Series S). USMC Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) CONTENTS: This is the configuration of the IFAK that has been shipping for about a half-decade. 4 special purpose first aid kits 1-2 annex a: emergency medical care kits a-1 Special Operations Quick Release IFAK Special Operations Quick Release IFAK Product Description The Special Operations Quick Release IFAK was designed with focus on combat operator placement and use. Tactical Combat Casualty Care Overview 1 Hemorrahage Control 4 Airway Management 8 Breathing Management 19 Vascular Access 24 Hypothermia Prevention 40 Tactical Field Care Basic Management Plan 42 Chapter 2. table of contents . de. 1 individual first aid kit 1-1 1. IFAK, IFAK P und IFAK EMS Individual First Aid Kit, Standard, personal und EMS Version Compression gauze 11,5 cm x 3,75 m (Israeli) Elastic bandage with gauze pad, 10 x 10 cm, 4. HSHQPM-15-X-00132 from the U. It serves LE KIT IFAK : LA LISTE COMPLÈTE DE TON MATÉRIEL DE PREMIERS SECOURS Un IFAK, c’est un kit de secours très complet qui va te permettre de gérer aussi bien les blessures légères du quotidien que de stabiliser les cas les plus graves. INDIVIDUAL FIRST AID KIT (IFAK) - The IFAK increases individual Marines or Sailors capabilities to provide Self-Aid/Buddy-Aid and provides interventions for leading causes of death on the TBS-MED-1006 Given a simulated casualty with no life-threatening bleeding, an Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK), and a secure position out of effective enemy fire, perform Tactical Field Care Mar 15, 2022 · LSIs pertinent to an IFAK include the management of junctional and extremity hemorrhage, management of airway occlusion, decompression of tension pneumothorax, and prevention of hypothermia. Feb 12, 2025 · Size: The Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) is the most compact of the three. Jul 1, 2019 · Ein weiterer wichtiger Bestandteil für ein IFAK sind Chest Seals. One of the standout features of this pouch is its tri-fold design, which boasts built-in elastic loops for securing various medical items. It’s called that because it’s intended for use by you. Gemeinsam. That way, if someone receives an injury on the battlefield, they or another service member can pull out their IFAK and sustain the victim's life until medical attention can be The Army's Improved First Aid Kit, or IFAK, is designed to address those immediate needs. Jan 16, 2024 · Crafting an IFAK Kit Crafting an IFAK kit is a fundamental aspect of preparing for emergencies and providing essential first aid. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, IFAKs are issued to every combat soldier. -Ing. The Drop Leg IFAK is a tactical medical kit designed for quick access to essential medical supplies in emergency situations, ideal for military, law enforcement, and outdoor enthusiasts. From fashion to home decor, handmade crafts, beauty items, chic clothes, shoes, and more, brand new products you love are just a tap away. TT1300 IFAK / Active Shooter Pack (Pack only; no supplies) $50. L. It involves carefully selecting and organizing medical supplies to ensure quick access to critical items in times of need. Sized as one of the smallest IFAKs in our product line, this innovative kit IFAK w/ Combat Gauze (1/Soldier) or IFAK Contents Kit (1/Soldier) Knee and Elbow Pads (1set/Soldier) Lightweight Performance Hood (2/Soldier) Modular Sleep System (1/Soldier) MOLLE Lg Ruck Set (1/Soldier) MOLLE Rifleman Set (1/Soldier) MOLLE Med Ruck (1/BCT Soldier) MOLLE Hydration Bladder Kit (1/Soldier) Multipurpose Tool (1/Soldier) NAPE (1 Description. In an emergency, a militia member in need of first aid who does not have their own kit will have to rely on another member to use their own medical supplies. The casualty’s IFAK should be used by the CLS for initial treatment. This first aid box checklist documents the minimum required contents for a first aid box at a construction site for a new secondary school in Cliffdale, South Africa. Title: %PDF-1. 1 ea. Note that it doubles a lot of the equipment that is generally singular in the type-B IFAK. , Israeli Dressing) 1 ea. Individual First Aid Kit (2003) Na początku 2003 roku do wyposażenia oddziałów Marines oraz personelu medycznego US Navy i US Air Force trafił nowy IFAK. x D 2 in. Newsletter April 2021 WAS ZULETZT GESCHAH 2 Online-Umfrage zu Demokratieförderung und Elternarbeit 2 AKTUELLE THEMEN 3 Aktuelle Schulung für den frühkindlichen Bereich 3 Das Anschreiben des Instituts IFAK enthält einen Link, über den Sie einen Kurzfragebogen zur Überprüfung der für die Untersuchung wichtigen Rahmenkriterien beantworten sollen und Ihre Kontaktdaten vertraulich eingeben können. , Engelsburger Str. First, you need something that’s going to fit all the supplies you need. Contents: The contents of each first aid kit are tailored to suit their intended purpose. As a way to help provide my recommendations to anyone who needs a list to go off of, I added a downloadable PDF in the Linktree. Beraterin BBE Business Coach Dipl. A. Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA) 28 FR; I ea. 168, 44793 Bochum Dann werden Sie Mitglied bei der IFAK e. Bag Only- PN 81-130; Basic- PN 81-132-01; Intermediate Jan 13, 2021 · Before we do that, tought, I’d better make sure you know that IFAK is short for “Individual First-Aid Kit”. View and Download ifak system Is Pro DP/PA Link DTM user manual online. Peruse it, download it, share it, or disregard it. Oktober 2023. Mar 8, 2019 · MARCH IFAK Resupply Placement . de https://ifak-bochum. Sozialwirtschaft M. Bochum. Upgrade your emergency preparedness with our Premium IFAK Kit, ensuring you're equipped to provide essential aid when it matters most. Jun 15, 2019 · Making a first aid kit? Wilderness and military medicine experts prioritize this list of IFAK contents for your EDC and emergency preparedness bags. 00 Thomas EMS PO Box 651305 Salt Lake City, Utah 84165 The Thomas EMS IFAK / Active Shooter Pack can be purchased with or without supplies. Apr 13, 2020 · What are the essentials in an IFAK? With plenty of trauma kit and component options on the market, it can be a bit overwhelming when deciding what exactly to carry. The IFAK is not associated with a UA and is not managed to the component level in TEWLS. An IFAK is more specialized and more essentialized than a basic survival kit ; if space and weight are limiting factors, you'll want to carry something closer to an IFAK. 4 - Compressed gauze - 4. In this article, we will answer the question: What comes in a Military IFAK? This essential kit is designed for military personnel and tactical operators. 00 Uhr Tactical medicine is the provision of emergency medical care in a context-sensitive manner, in an environment which may be hazardous due to enemy threats, and which limits movement and resources. x W 5 in. 00 TT1350 IFAK / Active Shooter Pack (Contents Only, No Pack) $199. It lists essential cleaning supplies, medical creams, OTC and prescription medications, supplies for treating wounds and blisters, surgical tools, and other miscellaneous supplies. The Individual Officer Trauma Kit was funded under Interagency Agreement No. The Improved First Aid Kit (IFAK) is designed around massive hemorrhage control. As opposed to buying a premade IFAK kit, you can save some money and build your own with The IFAK Guide is a full-color, downloadable PDF that shows proper placement of MARCH™ Medical Gear within the Mojo® Individual First Aid Kit. 24 | 44793 Bochum Diese Fortbildung ist eine Kooperation der IFAK e. ! Einzugsermächtigung Hiermit ermächtige ich die IFAK e. tasmanian ger. The contents of the kit should be chosen specifically for use by the nonmedical law enforcement officers. : 0234 - 588 322 - 12 filiz@ifak-bochum. Wir nutzen zwei im IFAK und zwei im Ankle Kit. I have a small faction of 6 total survivors on my server, and each carries a first aid pouch. com Kommanditgesellschaft Sitz Taunusstein HRA Wiesbaden 6085 Pers. Then properly prepare and package them for use. Long before IFAK became a common name, these kits were designed for military use . Mar 6, 2024 · Want to buy or build your own IFAK Military First Aid Kit? Find out exactly what content the US Army, Air Force, and Marine Corp have in their IFAK kits. All Marines are issued an Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK), see Figure 5. 06. ¿QUÉ ES UN IFAK - escuela3armas. 1 yd. 2023. Demokratisch. Alexander Kaiser Förderkennzeichen: 19F1120A Weiterer Projektpartner: Fluxguide Ausstellungssysteme GmbH (Fluxguide) Adresse: Kandlgasse 15, A-1070 Wien Projektleiterin: Mag. Discuss Triage Tags and Triage, fill in personal information. Unlike a standard first-aid kit, an IFAK is typically more specialized, containing items specifically chosen to treat traumatic injuries. V. IFAK. IFAK List: A lot of guys have reached out about IFAK contents over the past year. : 0234 - 588 322 -11 Tel. 2. This resupply kit is delivered in a compact durable vacuum-sealed package and the compact design allows the kit to be easily stored until it is required. The MARCH ™ IFAK Resupply bundle is intended to be used as resupply for the US Army standard IFAK or similar commercial applications. *Note – See Appendix B for a full list of IFAK contents. PEO Soldier procures the approved IFAK carriers to support Rapid Fielding Initiative, while the IFak or 2” belt loop straps Contents shown are not included. Tactical Combat Casualty Care Phases of Care 45 Chapter 3. Kerlix Gauze; 1 or more Hand H Compressed Gauze 4. What exactly is an IFAK? How do I set it up? Below, you’ll find a guide to individual first aid kits and some advice on avoiding rookie mistakes. info/de/produkt/t-ifak-pouch/ 2x C-A-T RESOURCES® | CAT™ GEN7 Combat Toggle the table of contents. And it all starts with owning a good Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK). Hier, an der Nahtstelle von Theorie und Praxis, fließen die Informationen zusammen und werden fachmännisch gefiltert. Mar 12, 2014 · The Army is now issuing a more robust individual first aid kit. IFAK Tactical Bags; 7 - QuickClot Hemostatic Bandage Combat Gauze Z-fold - 3” x 4 yd. com IFAK, IFAK P und IFAK EMS Individual First Aid Kit, Standard, personal und EMS Version IFAK P IFAK IFAK EMS 20x14,5(20)x10 cm 21x15(21)x12 cm 23,5x17,5(23)x14,5 cm Inhalt IFAK P IFAK IFAK EMS Tourniquet 38 x 890 mm 2x Apr 7, 2020 · Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Niemand sonst in der bibliothekarischen Praxis wäre in der Lage, diese Aufgabe auf diesem Niveau zu bewältigen. Nov 27, 2013 · Here we will examine pouches and contents to consider including in a survival trauma kit. The US Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps each have their own IFAK contents list that is tailored to the needs of the military branch it serves. Bitte teilen Sie uns mit, ob Sie an allen Webinaren (Code: 3a) oder an einzelnen Webinaren (Bsp. TBS-MED-1002a Given an Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) and references, identify components of IFAK to ensure it is complete and serviceable. de Anmeldung Montags - Freitags: 9. Recht auf Auskunft (Art. Surgilube Sterile Surgical Lubricant IFAK e. Weight: 1lb; Size: 8” H x 4” W x 3” D; Contains: Tourniquet CAT; Gloves; Pressure bandage 4″ S-rolled gauze; Chest seal HyFin (x2) Telefon: 0234 / 911 733 17 | E-Mail: DeGeWa@ifak-bochum. The checklist includes supplies such as antiseptic cleaner, bandages, dressings, gloves, and CPR equipment that should be checked and restocked on a monthly basis to ensure the first aid box is properly equipped. Treat gunshot wounds in a civilian application, mostly massive bleeding care, and 2. Personnel choosing to carry additional weapons magazines on their IFAK will complete training consisting of deployment exercises. Review IFAK contents and ensure readiness (i. The IFAK Refill replenishes your IFAK using MARCH™ medical gear in a color-coded trauma treatment system that treats the five leading causes of preventable death. 1 EA: 3 ECWS Level 2 (Waffle Top/Bottom) 1 Set 4 Cap, Fleece 1EA 5 IPFU Jacket 1EA 6 IPFU Pants 1 EA Hygeine Kit (Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Shaving Cream, Razors, Footpowder, Floss, Soap Feb 28, 2024 · IFAK Institut GmbH & Co. e. 4 %öäüß 1 0 obj /Type /Catalog /Pages 2 0 R /MarkInfo /Type /MarkInfo /Marked true >> /StructTreeRoot 3 0 R >> endobj 4 0 obj /Creator (Canva) /Producer (Canva) /CreationDate (D:20210618105840+00'00') /ModDate (D:20210618105839+00'00') /Keywords (DAEduxnvevM,BAD7eMusbDc) /Author (IfaK ) /Title (Blinde Kuh Suchmaschine) >> endobj 2 0 obj /Type /Pages /Count 1 /Kids [5 0 R] >> endobj USGI IFAK II Military Individual First Aid Kit Medical Field Gear Complete Pack. 3 %âãÏÓ 10 0 obj > endobj xref 10 48 0000000016 00000 n 0000001555 00000 n 0000001633 00000 n 0000001965 00000 n 0000002023 00000 n 0000002065 00000 n 0000002199 00000 n 0000002402 00000 n 0000002581 00000 n 0000002794 00000 n 0000002887 00000 n 0000003088 00000 n 0000003634 00000 n 0000004033 00000 n 0000004241 00000 n 0000004603 00000 n 0000005260 00000 n 0000005478 00000 n What is an IFAK? IFAK Contents IFAK Placement Combat Medic Gear Setup What is an IFAK? An IFAK (individual First Aid Kit) is a compact medical kit that serves a crucial purpose: providing immediate, life-saving medical care during critical situations until professional medical assistance can be reached. @ifak. GrabyourIFAKtogothroughit. Un IFAK doit être adapté à son utilisateur selon sa formation, son expérience, ses activités, son approche du secourisme, etc. Discover our Standard IFAK Kit, designed to provide fundamental first aid solutions at a more accessible price point. 5″ x 4. Mit diesen Wundauflagen verschließt Ihr Verletzungen an den Thoraxwänden, die bei Einschüssen im Brustbereich entstehen können. Carina Doppler Kollege Horst Heidtmann gestorben. This is the complete contents list of the GBC type-C IFAK. Every deployed Marine, Soldier, Airman, and Sailor has their own kit for taking care of wounds. (U. Jur. bund. Choosing the Right Individual First Aid Kit. de Wir bedanken uns bereits an dieser Stelle für Ihre Unterstützung! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Dr. Also, you should know that prior to the IFAK acronym coming into recognised use, the military almost always decided on behalf of operators which first-aid items to issue. is Pro DP/PA Link DTM gateway pdf manual download. Sie erhalten eine Rückmeldung über den Status Ihrer Anmel-dung. More streamlined than a full Army medic kit, the individual IFAK is a lightweight collection of supplies designed to limit many combat injuries that can often SUDPS issues sworn personnel with an individual first aid kit (IFAK) which can be worn on the thigh and securely attached to the duty belt. Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate. The Roll 1™ Trauma Pouch is a Dangler® style pouch that stores Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) contents and offers rapid deployment in an emergency. Ensure all granular hemostatic agents have been removed. Trying to keep things lean, so I am wondering, from those with more PVP experience, what items are actually best brought along in those precious 9 slots? IFAK e. See photos for details of the actual items; what you see is what will be Wir sind außerdem der Meinung, dass das IfaK der richtige Ort ist, an dem die „Giraffe Online“ erscheint. Hier stellen wir euch ergänzende Hilfestellungen rund um die Erweiterte Erste Hilfe gratis zur Verfügung! Werdet Teil unserer @critical. Maybe you have questions. de baumann@ifak-bochum. These first aid kits contain everything needed to treat traumatic, life-threatening injuries rather than the tools to address minor injuries. The reasoning behind this is that this was designed as more of a CLS (Combat Life Saver) kit that is not as large as the actual CLS kit to reduce size and weight on an individual operator who is This document provides a checklist for building a comprehensive first aid kit, or IFAK. Sozialpädagogin Ass. Station 3: IFAK and TEMS Protocols supplies 1. This article will briefly cover the key items. Not in other languages Download as PDF; Printable version Noun [edit] IFAK (plural IFAKs) Initialism of individual first IFak or 2” belt loop straps Contents shown are not included. IFAK (Complete) 1 EA: Hydration System (3L) 1 EA: 1 Gator, Neck 1 EA 2 ECWS Level 1 (Silk Top/Bottom) 1Set IBA, IOTV (Unit Specific Body Armor W/ Plates. It covers the range of EDC, IFAK, and Bug Out Bag medical kits because the prioritized list of contents is roughly the same for each — it just comes down to how much you can carry and thus how far down the list you can go. zcuusva xxvn kbtru sofobr oxziau lhculha sxmw xnio xih sntc zdwuo bbrueqj aidkf afaeju wnxnu