• Octoprint multiple cameras. One camera stops working.

    Octoprint multiple cameras. conf files present in /boot/camera-streamer.

    Octoprint multiple cameras Suddenly one of the Logitech C615 cameras isn't streaming. First Camera: Logitech C270 (working) 2 days ago · Camera model. So now only 2 cameras works from then on. ;)00:00 Introduct May 24, 2023 · Thanks to some systemd magic, I was able to make it quite easy to add more than one camera to your setup. Basically when I plug the second webcam in and enter "v4l2-ctl --list-devices", both webcams appear as "HD USB Camera: HD USB Camera" with two /dev/videoX lines and one /dev/mediaX line. If you also install the MultiCam plugin and configure it, you should be able to enable the integration and 'link' the camera profiles at the bottom of the Camera Settings page, and doing that will allow it to show the appropriate preview for the selected Mar 3, 2024 · Hi, I have been running Octopi for about 4 years now. For example, I'm using a MacBook Pro with an Anker USB webcam, and the Anker was 0 and the built-in was 1. I have the multi-cam plugin working, and have previously used two usb webcams, however Feb 28, 2023 · It will most likely become the default in the future. After that is updated, with your multiple cameras setup, connected and configured as you want, share a new systeminfo bundle and hopefully the logs may shed some light Jun 4, 2023 · Meanwhile, I reverted back to the webcamd version of Octopi and Octoprint (0. I seem to be able to connect to the stream, but webcam says, . Check out some of the best OctoPrint webcams around! All3DP; All3DP Pro; Printables Basics Buyer's Guides News. 5. I also updated the system. Come and discuss the latest 360° cameras or show us how you've been using yours. To support multiple cameras (one libcamera and/or one or more USB cameras), you'll need to add configuration files to tell the camera setup what to start up. You always start from the premise that if the power supply is capable of supplying enough current with a stable Voltage. I can see one camera, but no set of usb files is generated for the other camera with same serial number. You can combine one libcamera based camera with one or more USB based webcams, or just run one ore more USB cams on their own, and there’s also some special commands to help you add a new camera to your setup. But after about 20-30 min. Using it as a USB camera means that you lose the specific raspicam options, however since you are then limited to the USB camera options. It appears that your active webcam is 0, irregardless of its "built-in" status. Apr 1, 2023 · Camera model IMX219 Arducam Sonix USB Camera What is the problem? I'd like to stream a camera to each instance What did you already try to solve it? Tried adding camera using sudo add-usb-camera (USBCamera) (Used p&hellip; Dec 15, 2023 · Before blaming the camera, you should use PiOS and test it there. Specifically I can see no "Default Camera" listed and also noticed that the Raspberry Pi Cam has Dec 18, 2023 · Before blaming the camera, you should use PiOS and test it there. I still can't view the feed from the second camera. May 18, 2021 · It takes a little bit to get set up, but once it is it's fairly easy to add cameras to it as well, albeit done a little differently with multiple services for each camera. Mobile is a hot mess and i have to use a network stream connection in VLC to have any real chance of seeing video from any camera. I ran across a problem where after a new SD card was needed i found i could no longer use the May 30, 2021 · I would prefer to have two or more webcams running, but can’t work out how to have multiple cameras. Camera Software. What did you already try to solve it? The app i'm using (IPCamera) has an IP address that can be seen in a regular web browser. But try a USB, the cables are easier to work with. 18. I have been pouring over the internet and documentation but I can't seem to get this to work with even 2 cameras. Got an issue with the new camera stack? Open a new topic! If you are running into any issues with the new camera stack of which the configuration is described below, DO NOT REPLY TO THIS TOPIC, open a new one please. Connected one of the C270 cams It will most likely become the default in the future. I am trying to use MultiCam. In just a browser I have the same bad success rate. Connected one of the C270 cams on an USB port. What did you already try to solve it? Dec 18, 2023 · Before blaming the camera, you should use PiOS and test it there. Read about everything you need for your OctoPrint webcam setup. I tried to use the -d dev/v4l/by Jun 6, 2023 · Meanwhile, I reverted back to the webcamd version of Octopi and Octoprint (0. Aug 5, 2022 · When I attach only one of those with same serial, everything works. conf file to add multiple options? I want to disable autofocus and place my absolute focus on 40. GitHub Bash script for rapid deployment of multiple octoprint instance on a single machine - GitHub - paukstelis/octoprint_deploy: Bash script for rapid deployment of multiple octoprint instance on a sing Mar 2, 2025 · Currently, I'm using Prusa Connect for printing due to its speed and reliability while using Octoprint for camera monitoring, which is a bit of a hassle. I even completely re-imaged octoprint on my SD card and repeated the steps with no luck. Using his solution I used path instead for the config files. 1. To support multiple cameras so I was expecting to have to follow steps in that section to have both cameras running. Dec 24, 2022 · I would have recommended to you to do the octoprint_deploy script as it will handle the multiple instances and cameras. But even if the output for 2 cameras are identical when using udevadm, can it still distinguish between the two? Mar 8, 2024 · Good day Charlie I am apealing to you as the "go to guy" for all things webcam related on the Raspberry Pi 4+ / Octopi After running Octopi for a couple of years using a script provided by Chris Riley who managed to get my Pi cam, Logitech 270 & Logitech C920 running via multi-cam in octoprint. Nov 18, 2021 · I have added some basic support for multiple cameras in the Camera Settings plugin. The streamer itself could remain external to Octoprint as it is now. 0" for both camera configs, the Port differs: 8081 for the first camera and 8082 for the second camers Charlie_Powell March 7, 2024, 11:26am 9 Jul 26, 2023 · An update to this guide would be so helpful! I can no longer have 2 cameras. the RPiCam v3 and newer ArduCams, as well as USB cameras. My Question: Is there a better, open-source, self-hosted solution for monitoring multiple printer cameras (like a CCTV system) with timelapse and AI detection capabilities? Octoprint: Pros & Cons Nov 4, 2022 · I would have recommended to you to do the octoprint_deploy script as it will handle the multiple instances and cameras. USB cameras can be connected using the USB ports on the Raspberry Pi. Here's the log messages I get on startup: Dec 27 03:08:30 octopi root: Starting USB webcam Dec 27 03:08:30 octopi MJPG Apr 15, 2021 · The camera preview is the camera that is configured in OctoPrint. Dec 20, 2022 · I would have recommended to you to do the octoprint_deploy script as it will handle the multiple instances and cameras. 17 support for configuring multiple cameras is available out of the box, which is much simpler to get going and a lot less likely to cause issues. If you also install the MultiCam plugin and configure it, you should be able to enable the integration and 'link' the camera profiles at the bottom of the Camera Settings page, and doing that will allow it to show the appropriate preview for the selected Apr 19, 2023 · Camera model Raspberry Pi Cam straight to board, Logitech C270 and Logitech C920 What is the problem? I am trying to add the two Logitech USB cameras to Octoprint but the procedures I have been following ( Chris Riley of "Chris's Basement" on YouTube don't match the text in the Octopi. If I swap the cameras Mar 1, 2024 · http-listen is set to "0. I'm using a couple Wyze cam v2s with the USB webcam firmware. One webcam connected through USB, and one camera connected directly to the camera port of a RP4. So I setup an old Pi 2 (this seems to handle 2 cams fine) and installed motionEye on it. Consider adding a more integrated approach to the stream handling with th&hellip; Jan 30, 2023 · OctoPrint allows you to monitor your 3D prints remotely. I was pleasantly surprised when things just worked. Feb 11, 2022 · I'm trying to set up a USB webcam alongside the internal PiCam. conf file and voila! --camera start with 0 and work up from there if you have multiple cameras. txt set camera="usb" and the camera_http_options="-n -p 8081" you do not need to worry about running ls /dev/v4l/by-id and adding the -d /dev/v4l/by-id/<device long id> part to the camera_usb_options Feb 6, 2023 · I would have recommended to you to do the octoprint_deploy script as it will handle the multiple instances and cameras. Oct 17, 2023 · The configuration shipped on the image will support running either a libcamera device or a USB camera device. What is the problem? I am unable to add second webcam on my PI5 with Octopi 1. Have you tried running in safe mode? Yes Did running in safe mode solve the problem? No Systeminfo Bundle octoprint Apr 19, 2023 · Camera model Raspberry Pi Cam straight to board, Logitech C270 and Logitech C920 What is the problem? I am trying to add the two Logitech USB cameras to Octoprint but the procedures I have been following ( Chris Rile&hellip; Dec 17, 2023 · Before blaming the camera, you should use PiOS and test it there. Jun 5, 2023 · Hello Charlie. Discussion I have 3 printers but only one raspberry pi. Apr 2, 2023 · Good day Charlie I am apealing to you as the "go to guy" for all things webcam related on the Raspberry Pi 4+ / Octopi After running Octopi for a couple of years using a script provided by Chris Riley who managed to get my Pi cam, Logitech 270 & Logitech C920 running via multi-cam in octoprint. Jun 9, 2024 · Good day Charlie I am apealing to you as the "go to guy" for all things webcam related on the Raspberry Pi 4+ / Octopi After running Octopi for a couple of years using a script provided by Chris Riley who managed to get my Pi cam, Logitech 270 & Logitech C920 running via multi-cam in octoprint. conf files present in /boot/camera-streamer. Dec 27, 2021 · although (afaik) it will only show one camera in its UI. 18 but now am stuck. I did it according to the chris basement youtube video for multiple camera streams for 0. 3 usb cameras and 1 raspicam and all the usb cameras are on a 12v/3a powered usb hub. I tried it to get my octoprint working with 2 usb camera's Camera #1: WebcamJPL Vision mini (stole it from gf after working from home was over) Camera #2: Endoscope camera that it got from aliexpress a year ago Tested both camera's on my mac and they work. Oct 29, 2024 · Camera model Arducam for Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 What is the problem? No video on Control Screen What did you already try to solve it? Checked connection multiple times, Tried two cameras with the same result. Jul 4, 2020 · A future version of the plugin will let you register additional tunnels (up to a total of 4 with a free ngrok account). The first one is working, but the second one isn't. Mar 8, 2024 · Good day Charlie I am apealing to you as the "go to guy" for all things webcam related on the Raspberry Pi 4+ / Octopi After running Octopi for a couple of years using a script provided by Chris Riley who managed to get my Pi cam, Logitech 270 & Logitech C920 running via multi-cam in octoprint. If you have multiple cameras, you can use the plugin to set the settings on all of them individually, and even save presets, but the preview will always show the same camera, and only one preset will be applied on startup if enabled. If you would like the 2nd webcam to also have a relative URL, then you just have to read the guide - it's right there, in the 'Haproxy configuration' setup. I am trying to integrate a pi ribbon camera and usb endoscope into my 3b+. #Additional options OPTIONS='--camera options="camera-auto_focus[=0]" --camera options="LensPosition=40" Is this correct? I can't find an answer to this anywhere, not on camera-streamer's documentation as well. “Not compatible with the new webcam stack using camera-streamer Coming soon: an updated guide for setting up multiple webcams with the new stack. But even if the output for 2 cameras are identical when using udevadm, can it still distinguish between the two? Dec 17, 2023 · Before blaming the camera, you should use PiOS and test it there. 24. Jun 14, 2021 · 3 usb cameras and 1 raspicam and all the usb cameras are on a 12v/3a powered usb hub. May 30, 2021 · I’ve tried doing the same process for a 2nd webcam. 8081 port meant for usb: becomes raspicam. If you also install the MultiCam plugin and configure it, you should be able to enable the integration and 'link' the camera profiles at the bottom of the Camera Settings page, and doing that will allow it to show the appropriate preview for the selected Dec 18, 2023 · Before blaming the camera, you should use PiOS and test it there. , Yawcam, iSpy, or the built-in webcam server in OctoPrint). Dec 19, 2022 · I would have recommended to you to do the octoprint_deploy script as it will handle the multiple instances and cameras. If you also have that plugin installed, you can map the detected Simple but working way to add support for multiple cameras; tested on a Raspberry Pi 3 with two different cameras. I wrote a guide to supplement this one as i ran into some minor issues and just wanted to highlight a couple of things. I finally decided to move Octopi with the new camera stack. In my case, I had a working Pi Cam and then wanted to add a USB cam, so the instructions for adding multiple cameras found further down the page worked just fine. Dec 1, 2021 · Editing camera configuration file for multiple cameras Camera 1. Jun 14, 2021 · I did everything you said. 0). Right now I have two connected. cruzer619 June 14, 2021, 8:19pm Jul 26, 2023 · An update to this guide would be so helpful! I can no longer have 2 cameras. If you plan to monitor prints, you can set up a camera streaming tool (e. Most USB cameras are automatically detected by OctoPrint and work immediately. 9. If you also install the MultiCam plugin and configure it, you should be able to enable the integration and 'link' the camera profiles at the bottom of the Camera Settings page, and doing that will allow it to show the appropriate preview for the selected Dec 27, 2021 · I'm having issues getting both webcams to work. I have not been able to make it work on OctoPrint. Video encoding is CPU-intensive. But even if the output for 2 cameras are identical when using udevadm, can it still distinguish between the two? Jul 30, 2021 · A raspicam can be accessed as either, the system does represent it as a USB camera so that it's compatible with applications that work with USB cameras. Feb 23, 2023 · It will most likely become the default in the future. Jun 30, 2019 · Camera model Old iPhone 6 What is the problem? I'm trying to get an IP Camera working for OctoLapse Timelapses for my Ender 3. One camera stops working. zip (24. Stephan Jun 11, 2023 · Meanwhile, I reverted back to the webcamd version of Octopi and Octoprint (0. Desktop is pretty good, not flawless but good. Still, I was wondering what I missed using the new camera stack version Again, thanks for helping. then after about 1hr or so a 3rd camera stops working. Change directory I even completely re-imaged octoprint on my SD card and repeated the steps with Aug 31, 2024 · I'm honestly not sure if this is an OctoPrint issue or a Multicam issue (or if Multicam is even needed with the new stack; I don't see a way to do multiple cameras without it though, and I didn't see anything about this in the documentation I linked above. Currently I'm using a PiCam for one printer and a USB camera for the Sep 27, 2023 · 12 – How do I connect a camera to OctoPrint? Connect your camera to the Raspberry Pi. Once this was done I tried running the 2nd one and it just refuses to work, but as soon as Apr 2, 2021 · If you have a raspberry pi camera and a usb camera in the octopi. Following the guide for the new stack, I configured the 2 seperate config files. You could just record I just set up an old Galaxy S7 with octoprint. You need to pass both cameras to the container via --device and use a comma separa This solution will install mjpg-streamer service for one or multiple cameras. We'll set up our Raspberry Pi Camera then our USB Cameras. and i'm able to see all 4 of my cameras. camera-streamer supports libcamera based cameras incl. But there's a change I'd like to make. 0 is not directly compatible with older versions, as so much has changed. Here is an example of what i'm talking Setting up multiple webcams on a printer using OctoPrint Just as the title says, looking for suggestions/best practices for setting up a second cam on my Ender 3 Pro. I feel like Guides is the best place for this, but obviously move if needed. I was able to get all three cameras working with the article Setting up multiple webcams. EMEET C960 + Creality Nebula Webcam. Additionally, we will guide you through the process of adding these webcams to the Obico app, enabling you to take advantage of Nozzle Ninja, Obico's new first layer AI. Trying to understand the plumbing on the webcam interface to octoprint so I can setup the software to use multicam plugin, I'm assuming I need to set up a 2nd stream and point multicam to it. g. Re-make your Jan 18, 2024 · Please consider adding native support for multiple camera streams/streamers. When I’ve tried making a 2 version of webcam & webcamDaemon then editing these files to point to the 2nd webcam. It seems Octoprint can not deal with that automatically. Mar 4, 2023 · Selecting a camera for OctoPrint can be a confusing task. I then use that to have multiple camera feeds even if Octoprint is off, and motionEye gives you http addresses for each camera so you can just point Octoprint to the address and get the cams in the interface too. I have added some basic support for multiple cameras in the Camera Settings plugin. Would like to add a top-down camera to supplement the view from the end of the Y axis. cruzer619 June 14, 2021, 8:19pm Nov 4, 2022 · I would have recommended to you to do the octoprint_deploy script as it will handle the multiple instances and cameras. Dec 18, 2023 · That is false logic. Jun 5, 2023 · I installed the new camera stack yesterday (did a new install and restored my OP backup). Octopi Multi Camera Setup Login to the Raspberry Pi Creating the configuration files Change Directory cd /boot Aug 1, 2024 · Whart is the syntax in the usb. In Octoprint however the Oct 18, 2023 · Meanwhile, I reverted back to the webcamd version of Octopi and Octoprint (0. Oct 26, 2022 · I would have recommended to you to do the octoprint_deploy script as it will handle the multiple instances and cameras. Feb 21, 2025 · Camera model USB Logitech QuickCam Easy Cool What is the problem? The camera was working correctly when I was just using my Ender 3V2. I took the pi configuration out since this is dedicated to pc platforms but you could easily add it back in. Txt file. I have DEFAULT (Pi Camera), TOP DOWN (failed USB cam), and Filament (working USB cam). Made a backup in Octoprint, replaced the microSD card with a fresh build of Octopi with camera stack and rebooted, without any camera attached (not even the PiCam). What did you already try to solve it? Swapped 2 USB cameras, tried different USB ports. The setup on the OctoPi image allows easy configuration of camera parameters through configuration files in /boot/camera-streamer (or the camera-streamer on the root of the card if is used as a thumb drive), hot-plugging of USB Feb 3, 2025 · Step 4: (Optional) Set Up Camera Streaming. (Bookworm) My both Webcam work alone with octoprint. Extends the Control tab of OctoPrint, allowing the ability to switch between multiple webcam feeds. This is done by integrating with the 'MultiCam' plugin. The setup on the OctoPi image allows easy configuration of camera parameters through configuration files in /boot/camera-streamer (or the camera-streamer on the root of the card if is used as a thumb drive), hot-plugging of USB May 18, 2021 · I did everything you said. This includes installation of OctoPrint, mjpg-streamer or ustreamer, haproxy Oct 28, 2022 · I would have recommended to you to do the octoprint_deploy script as it will handle the multiple instances and cameras. After following the instructions for setting up a raspicam and a usb cam, The default /webcam stream cant work. If I attach both of them I only get one set of usb-046d_C270_HD_WEBCAM_200901010001-video-index0 index files. Dec 15, 2023 · Before blaming the camera, you should use PiOS and test it there. Dec 17, 2023 · Before blaming the camera, you should use PiOS and test it there. . But even if the output for 2 cameras are identical when using udevadm, can it still distinguish between the two? Oct 17, 2021 · Hey, great guide! Disclaimer: im a total noob with raspberry. I've looked at motion, and some Feb 23, 2023 · It will most likely become the default in the future. Dec 13, 2021 · I am brand new to 3d printing and Octoprint. Most likely Power, OctoPrint's new implementation and then just bad luck. Jun 5, 2024 · use the HLS url, that is more performant than mjpeg, and will embed in OctoPrint and be supported by other apps. I have tried every type of URL for the second webcam but nothing seems to be working. A sub dedicated to 360 cameras and the possibilities of the 360 degree videos that they produce. After getting a second printer (Ender 3Pro) and using octoprint_deploy to create multiple instances, the camera stream no longer works. However, since OctoPi 0. Can that pi use 3 cameras at the same time? Share Sort by: Best. If I run the temp command for running two cameras, it works perfectly, but I just can’t work out how to have 2 enabled with the script. I attempted to implement this myself thinking it would be pretty simple, however having never created octoprint plugins before i ran into some issues getting some things to work as i intended. The setup on the OctoPi image allows easy configuration of camera parameters through configuration files in /boot/camera-streamer (or the camera-streamer on the root of the card if is used as a thumb drive), hot-plugging of USB Feb 5, 2022 · Can't get the second camera to work on my second instance of octoprint. The webcam on port 8080 works but not the one on 8081. txt file all you need to change is to set camera="raspi" and in the webcam2. Feb 25, 2023 · It will most likely become the default in the future. HW: Raspberry pi4 4gb ram, with 3A powersuply. The official Raspberry Pi camera can be connected to the camera port on the Raspberry Pi. Open Jun 4, 2023 · Sorry for missing replying to this one - can you make sure that you have updated the 'Pi Support' plugin, so that the system info bundle can capture the log files of the new camera stack as well? It should be version 2023. Dec 18, 2023 · Before blaming the camera, you should use PiOS and test it there. As before, all three cameras seem to be configured with their . I've use many of the the Pi camera and 3rd party versions too with OctoPi, (older), animal cameras, and even in high Altitude rockets that take a lot of abuse. As it is, a quick check on the Canakit looks as if it can supply 3. I've been working on getting two cameras setup for multiple streaming/Octolapse angles but I'm having some delay and connection errors with the second camera. But even if the output for 2 cameras are identical when using udevadm, can it still distinguish between the two? Jan 26, 2022 · although (afaik) it will only show one camera in its UI. after initial connection, I can see all 4 cameras. I have updated all the plugins, including the Pi Support plugin and created a new systeminfo bundle. But even if the output for 2 cameras are identical when using udevadm, can it still distinguish between the two? Aug 5, 2022 · No, you can't use a port number as a relative URL. In this guide, we will walk you through the detailed steps of setting up multiple cameras using OctoPrint running Marlin firmware. May 18, 2021 · I did everything you said. Mar 20, 2022 · Hey Charlie ive gotten both streams to run only issue im having is when needing to reboot I have to manually sudo webcamd2 restart to get the second camera stream started i dont have the spaghetti detective installed anyway i can have a script to start the webcamd2 when the system has been rebooted? May 30, 2021 · I would prefer to have two or more webcams running, but can’t work out how to have multiple cameras. then that is the basis for a stable platform. Jun 9, 2023 · I installed the new camera stack yesterday (did a new install and restored my OP backup). I think in theory the 'Multicam' plugin supports as many cameras as you would like, as does the server Jun 16, 2021 · It takes a little bit to get set up, but once it is it's fairly easy to add cameras to it as well, albeit done a little differently with multiple services for each camera. It is attached to this message. Jun 4, 2023 · Meanwhile, I reverted back to the webcamd version of Octopi and Octoprint (0. Oct 2, 2023 · Multiple Cameras with the new camera stack (camera-streamer) in OctoPrint Install the appropriate image (first part of the instructions found here ). Nov 18, 2021 · I am using Octopi v0. 0. Apr 18, 2023 · Good day Charlie I am apealing to you as the "go to guy" for all things webcam related on the Raspberry Pi 4+ / Octopi 😁 After running Octopi for a couple of years using a script provided by Chris Riley who managed to get my Pi cam, Logitech 270 & Logitech C920 running via multi-cam in octoprint. including tunnels to your additional camera(s) and possibly additional OctoPrint instances if you have multiple. I tried to use the -d dev/v4l/by Apr 1, 2024 · Unfortunately, octoprint_deploy > 1. This is a documentation topic, not a support topic. I currently have one pi set up to control two machines with a second identical setup on the way. I ran into to some minor things that I had to figure out and streamline. Each camera feed should be set to a different stream port to avoid conflicts. Dec 16, 2023 · Before blaming the camera, you should use PiOS and test it there. Here's a rundown of where I'm at so far. I basically created a second daemon, service, and config file for port 8081 and it worked when I set it up but now im having issues. Followed Arducam instructions to modify config. Members Online Jan 7, 2023 · There's a script that does this without Docker if anyone is interested: GitHub - paukstelis/octoprint_deploy: Bash script for rapid deployment of multiple octoprint instance on a single machine It also supports multiple cameras but I didn't try that. Jul 10, 2023 · When I open OctoPod or just the OctoPrint web interface about 95% of the time I get no camera view. Just make sure the Camera cable is securely connected squarely in the strip and the correct way Jun 27, 2023 · Good day Charlie I am apealing to you as the "go to guy" for all things webcam related on the Raspberry Pi 4+ / Octopi After running Octopi for a couple of years using a script provided by Chris Riley who managed to get my Pi cam, Logitech 270 & Logitech C920 running via multi-cam in octoprint. Jan 25, 2022 · although (afaik) it will only show one camera in its UI. Thanks so much for your support. Jun 20, 2020 · Camera model 3 cameras: Pi Camera and 2 Logitech C615 What is the problem? All three cameras worked fine for a long time, probably a year. Aug 23, 2024 · To support multiple cameras (one libcamera and/or one or more USB cameras), you'll need to add configuration files to tell the camera setup what to start up. Resource Considerations. I would like to use multiple cameras on each pi to monitor both the print bed and nozzle cam on each printer. The guide has you installing the mjpg-streamer and then making two scripts within the /home/user/ folder, namely webcam & webcamDaemon. Plus a little Bonus. So the cameras work. Mar 11, 2023 · Good day Charlie I am apealing to you as the "go to guy" for all things webcam related on the Raspberry Pi 4+ / Octopi After running Octopi for a couple of years using a script provided by Chris Riley who managed to get my Pi cam, Logitech 270 & Logitech C920 running via multi-cam in octoprint. Hope this helps to find a solution Best regards Stephan octoprint-systeminfo-20230605223156. Today we are going to set up multiple cameras on OctoPrint. Jun 1, 2023 · Meanwhile, I reverted back to the webcamd version of Octopi and Octoprint (0. But even if the output for 2 cameras are identical when using udevadm, can it still distinguish between the two? Feb 12, 2023 · Ran into the same problem as @Kumuddel, two identical cams showing up with the same id. If you also install the MultiCam plugin and configure it, you should be able to enable the integration and 'link' the camera profiles at the bottom of the Camera Settings page, and doing that will allow it to show the appropriate preview for the selected camera. Worked well on my OrangePi Jun 9, 2024 · Good day Charlie I am apealing to you as the "go to guy" for all things webcam related on the Raspberry Pi 4+ / Octopi After running Octopi for a couple of years using a script provided by Chris Riley who managed to get my Pi cam, Logitech 270 & Logitech C920 running via multi-cam in octoprint. May 6, 2018 · My idea is to be able to put a second webcam stream into the octoprint control tab, with an overlay button (or jog-panel) to switch between the two cameras feeds. The setup on the OctoPi image allows easy configuration of camera parameters through configuration files in /boot/camera-streamer (or the camera-streamer on the root of the card if is used as a thumb drive), hot-plugging of USB Sep 1, 2024 · The configuration shipped on the image will support running either a libcamera device or a USB camera device. 4 KB) Oct 18, 2023 · Meanwhile, I reverted back to the webcamd version of Octopi and Octoprint (0. An alternative OctoPi-UpdateToDate build replaces mjpg-streamer and webcamd with a new camera streaming setup based on camera Feb 22, 2023 · It will most likely become the default in the future. But I'm not very tech savvy, so I'm not sure where to start. txt file. If you want to use the new version of octoprint_deploy with an older setup, create backups (either with OctoPrint UI or with octoprint_deploy), then use the remove commandline argument before updating octoprint_deploy. I was curious if anyone knows if it's possible to set up a second camera? Was thinking maybe an endoscope in unison with the phone camera. It has since morphed a bit into a tool that creates something akin to OctoPi on virtually any linux installation (sorry, no Arch yet) very easily. The image ships with some helper scripts to assist in the initial multicam setup. The setup on the OctoPi image allows easy configuration of camera parameters through configuration files in /boot/camera-streamer (or the camera-streamer on the root of the card if is used as a thumb drive), hot-plugging of USB Wow was just looking into this. I configured each . I've been using udev rules for the cameras I have - and they're both different. 5A, whch is ample for the Pi4 and Camera. The setup on the OctoPi image allows easy configuration of camera parameters through configuration files in /boot/camera-streamer (or the camera-streamer on the root of the card if is used as a thumb drive), hot-plugging of USB Apr 16, 2021 · The camera preview is the camera that is configured in OctoPrint. I've had some questions I've had to ask here, but, overall, it's all working well now. Octoprint with multiple cameras . The are two major changes in this release candidate: MultiCam Support The plugin will now support showing the correct preview for multiple cameras. ” …BUT there are discussions attached to the guide that describe successful installs including rpi camera with usb. Feb 5, 2022 · although (afaik) it will only show one camera in its UI. Multicam setup. so my question is what/where is a good reference to the underlying software or configuration to enable this. In order for this to work you should install mjpg-streamer as follows so that things are in the correct directory. 0 and 1. txt configuration. I had also another Raspberry running MotionEye with a PiCam and 2 Logitech C270 cams. I've been at this for 2 days and I feel like I'm missing something. Jun 2, 2023 · Meanwhile, I reverted back to the webcamd version of Octopi and Octoprint (0. I created octoprint_deploy as a tool for making multiple OctoPrint instances very quickly. Jun 4, 2021 · I did everything you said. Part of it is my lack of knowledge with linux. But even if the output for 2 cameras are identical when using udevadm, can it still distinguish between the two? May 25, 2021 · Hey everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know that I have a new release candidate for the Camera Settings plugin available. Question: I get that for Pi Camera v3 on an RPi it makes sense to use libavformat h264 since there is no native hardware encoding on the RPi5 (output is RAW10) so might as well encode into h264 which uses less network bandwidth to stream. Now my problem. Jun 4, 2023 · I installed the new camera stack yesterday (did a new install and restored my OP backup). I have 2 cameras set up. You can setup as many cameras as you like using this method, just changing the parameters each time. I see my USB Camera but I cannot use my raspicam anymore when I try to use multiple cameras since the camera="raspi" has been removed and I don't know which device I have to add to the "camera_usb_options=" via parameter "-d" because this is simply not in the not updated yet guide. Dec 19, 2022 · Separate USB cam for each printer question: I'm using this guide (which seems to be the "master" guide for setting up multiple printers) for setting up my two printers and cameras on my Pi with OctoPi. The command is slow to return anything though. If you need to use port 8081, then it must be the full URL, including the IP address. I have a Raspberry Pi 4 - 4gig ram and it's plugged into an outlet via USB C Mar 4, 2024 · Made a backup in Octoprint, replaced the microSD card with a fresh build of Octopi with camera stack and rebooted, without any camera attached (not even the PiCam). Oct 18, 2023 · Meanwhile, I reverted back to the webcamd version of Octopi and Octoprint (0. nkbru ymltvn lsm slwtpqz ducne eeoumni opcfgb qpqtaloj ceivn zxdgrx gqdj tucytkd uauuez hbs lvmkko